Friday, October 30, 2009

America economy are into recession by high oil price..????

Retail gas prices highest in a year

Up and away -- retail gas prices hit new high at $2.70; crude takes a tumble to end week

  • On 4:04 pm EDT, Friday October 30, 2009

Retail gasoline prices chugged higher Friday to a new peak for the year, forcing consumers to dig deeper into already-thin wallets to pay for fuel.

At the same time, natural gas prices also were moving up again and have now climbed 16 percent in the past two months -- just in time for furnace season to kick in.

The worst part: Supplies of oil and gas are plentiful. In fact, storage points for gas are so jammed, producers are running out of places to put it and crude supplies are well above average levels.

Gasoline prices are now up 17 straight days after climbing 0.4 cents overnight to $2.695 a gallon, according to auto club AAA, Wright Express and Oil Price Information Services. That is the highest price since Oct. 26, 2008.

Prices are up 5.9 cents from a week ago and 14.8 cents from a year ago.

The average retail price for gas was $1.686 a gallon in December. Today's price will tack about $50 a month on to the monthly gas cost for the typical customer compared with then. It comes at a time when unemployment is at a 26-year high.

"It's a wet blanket on the consumer. It's something visible you see," said economist Ken Mayland of ClearView Economics.

Oil prices that skyrocketed to $147 a barrel a barrel in July 2008 helped push the economy into recession to begin with, he said.

"Can high oil prices shut down the economy? Well, clearly the answer is yes," he said.

The reason for the increase at the pump is because oil prices have been on the rise, going from $65 a barrel as recently as August to $82 last week. A $17-per-barrel increase is worth about 40 cents a gallon.

A year ago, gasoline prices were plummeting as the financial crisis and recession took hold, and demand for oil and gasoline tumbled sharply.

Oil has been moving higher on signs that the economy is improving and a weaker dollar. The Commerce Department said Thursday that the U.S. economy grew at a 3.5 percent annual pace in the third quarter, the best showing in two years and breaking four straight quarters of declines.

Still, supplies of gasoline, heating oil and diesel fuel also remain well above normal.

Meanwhile, the dollar has fallen to nearly a 14-month low against the euro. Since oil is largely bought and sold in dollars, investors holding stronger currencies can buy more crude for less.

The dollar rose on Friday, and crude fell sharply. There was also a dour consumer spending report.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kad kredit: Cukai khidmat RM50 setahun- kerajaan akan pungut RM 700 juta setahun..?? dan akan membebankan rakyat


Kad kredit: Cukai khidmat RM50 setahun

KUALA LUMPUR 23 Okt. – Kerajaan mencadangkan cukai perkhidmatan sebanyak RM50 setahun dikenakan ke atas setiap kad kredit dan kad caj, berkuat kuasa 1 Januari tahun depan.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, langkah ini juga termasuk kad yang diberi percuma.

“Cukai perkhidmatan sebanyak RM25 setahun juga dikenakan ke atas setiap kad kredit tambahan,”


Najib berkata, cukai perkhidmatan akan dipungut pada tarikh kad dikeluarkan, pada setiap genap setahun kad dikeluarkan atau diperbaharui.

Cadangan itu berkuat kuasa mulai 1 Januari tahun depan

Bukan semua orang salahguna kad kredit, kalau ada satu kad untuk kemudahan harian, tak perlulah dikenakan "cas", patutnya kenakan kepada orang yang guan lebih dari satu kad kredit banyak kad kredit sahaja. Kalau separuh dari rakyat Malaysia guna kad kredit, 13 juta orang, kerajaan akan kutip RM700 juta duit rakyat kita.


Read this......


DETROIT (Reuters) – In a crowded ballroom next to a bankrupt casino, what remains of the Detroit property market was being picked over by speculators and mostly discarded.

After five hours of calling out a drumbeat of "no bid" for properties listed in an auction book as thick as a city phone directory, the energy of the county auctioneer began to flag.

"OK," he said. "We only have 300 more pages to go."

There was tired laughter from investors ready to roll the dice on a city that has become a symbol of the collapse of the U.S. auto industry, pressures on the industrial middle-class and intractable problems for the urban poor.

On the auction block in Detroit: almost 9,000 homes and lots in various states of abandonment and decay from the tidy owner-occupied to the burned-out shell claimed by squatters.

Taken together, the properties seized by tax collectors for arrears and put up for sale last week represented an area the size of New York's Central Park. Total vacant land in Detroit now occupies an area almost the size of Boston, according to a Detroit Free Press estimate.

The tax foreclosure auction by Wayne County authorities also stood as one of the most ambitious one-stop attempts to sell off urban property since the real-estate market collapse.

Despite a minimum bid of $500, less than a fifth of the Detroit land was sold after four days.

The county had no estimate of how much was raised by the auction, a second attempt to sell property that had failed to find buyers for the full amount of back taxes in September.

The unsold parcels add to an expanding ghost town within the once-vibrant town known worldwide as the Motor City.

Just to show you how far home values have declined in some parts of Detroit, here’s an incredible story I came across: I can’t believe this tale about a couple who purchased an abandoned home for $100 with the following unbelievable particulars:

parking spot

Pricetag for the house: $100. The buyer called a real estate agent with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, who confirmed that bids on the foreclosed property started at $95 for the property, $5 for the house. There were no back taxes — no one seemed to be sure who once owned the house, it had been empty for so long.

“Inspection was fine and the foundation was good,” says the buyer. The inspector also adds: “If you didn’t mind scraping some peeling paint, doing some surface treatments, putting in new utilities, windows and repairing the roof … this could be pretty interesting.”

Our real estate market covers quite a wide spectrum here: from parking lots paved in gold to decrepit homes desperate for some TLC. What a contrast. I do find this to be more of a positive story than anything because of one thing — the fact that if you happen to be a handy do-it-yourself type, you can really snag some great deals at bargain basement prices. If you’re resourceful and don’t mind a fixer upper smack dab in a neighborhood that needs a bit of work and care, you won’t need $300,000 to buy a house in the United States these days. For that kind of money, you can now buy 3,000 houses in Michigan where you can build a whole community with your friends!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

UMNO UNTUK MELAYU ATAU Untuk Melayu -NO...(Hanya untuk orang UMNO sahaja..???)

UMNO UNTUK MELAYU ATAU Untuk Melayu -NO...(Hanya untuk orang UMNO sahaja..???) - isu Bahasa MELAYU.. PPSMI..!!

Kekadang ramai juga yang risau, rimas hidup kat Malaysia ni. hari-hari pasal politik jer...!!!. Nak pegi kerja..politik., nak buat business...politik,....nak pergi surau, masjid pon ..politik....!!!!

Agak-agak nyer ler , ape le agaknye panduan untuk kita hidup didunia ni agaknye ..... politik ker.....????

Ni..apa dah jadi ni...???? Kitab mane le agak nyer nak kita ikut ni...????
Kita ni ada bangsa ... ada budaya.. dan juga ada Ugama..... agak-agaknyer la... kita ni berpandukan ape ler untuk hidup didunia ni.... ??? ..... politik..????? hari-hari politik ker...?

Tidak adakah orang yang nak memperjuangkan untuk mempertahankan Bahasa, Budaya, Bangsa, Ugama.

Agenda untuk memertabatkan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa yang berdaulat dan disegani dah tak kedengaran lagi...... katanya telah ditutup oleh keriuhan politik. Isu-isu PPSMI masih tak nampak lagi....mungkin buat sementara....bila dah senyap besok...dia buat le balik.. ataupun nak jadikan Tanah Melayu(Malaysia) ni macam Singapura. ...kat sana mane ade cakap Melayu sangat...!!! abih..dah orang Melayu sendiri pun dah tak nak cakap Melayu.... asik nak cakap Inggeris.... tengok le kat TV tu.... kalau menteri ker orang politik ker..kalau diinterview..mesti nak cakap Inggeris.... tapi. saya heran pulak.... kalau menteri ker.. atau YB berbangsa Cina...sentiasa jer nak cakap Melayu semasa diinterview....??? pasal isu Bahasa ni..saya dah panjang lebar cerita kat blog saya dulu..... Isu ini dah lama dah timbul, salah satu sebab juga mengapa Universiti kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM) diujudkan. UKM lah sehingga kini mengambil usaha menghasilkan istilah teknikal dalam bahasa Melayu...sejak tahun 70'an lagi. Kalau nak tahu istilah teknikal Melayu, pergilah tanyalah kat UKM...kalau nak tahu lah.... kalau dah memang dah tak tahu.... cakap sampai bila pun dia tak nak ambik tahu.....!!!!

..jadi orang-orang Melayu atau golongan yang masih sayangkan Bahasa Melayu ni dan memperjuang dan hendak memertabatkan kan Bahasa Melayu di Tanah Melayu ni pun dah penat dah...macam-macam, sampaikan buat demonstrasi kat jalan,.... mengadap Agong pun ..ramai dah kene tangkap, kene sembur , masuk lokap....... dah buat untuk memertabatkan Bahasa Melayu di Tanah Melayu ni..... malas dah rasanya nak sebut Malaysia..... takut lama-lama pun jadi macam Singapura.

Kalau dah diharapkan parti politik yang diberikan kuasa poliutik untuk memertabatkan Bahasa Melayu di Tanah Melayu pun dah tak ada hati pun nak memertabatkan Bahasa sendiri di tanah air sendiri lagi.... besok kalau sejarah akan datang ...anak cucu pun dah tak nak cakap Melayu.... tak ade le lagi bahasa Melayu di Tanah Melayu....?.. agak-agak nye.. apa sebenarnya dah jadi orang-orang politik Melayu ni agak nye...????? ke dah tak ade jati diri bangsa lagi ker..? Bangsa lain. arab ker..., Itali ker..., Inggeris ker...., China ker, Jepun ker,... hantar rakyat mereka keluar negara untuk mendapat ilmu, balik negeri bawa ilmu.... yang orang Melayu, dihantar keluar negeri untuk mendapatkan ilmu,... balik negeri, bukan ilmu jer dia bawa, bahasa dia pun dia bawa, nak tukar bahasa, nak guna bahasa yang dia belajar kat luar negeri. Agaknya, orang Inggeris ni, sambil ajar anak-aanak kita kat luar negeri tu, diorang pun ajar juga benci bahasa sendiri kot... tapi tak juga, orang Jepun, orang Itali, Jerman , Korea, China pun hantar anak-anak mereka keluar negeri, balik ..... diorang cakap bahasa diorang jugak,.. apasal lah bangsa Melayu ni,... suka sangat banggakan benda/hak orang lain....???? ape kene le agak nye....??????

Memang le senang kalau belajar bahasa orang, balik guna bahasa asing,. tak payah la nak kene "translate" tak payah nak tahu istilah bahasa Melayu, nanti nampak macam orang bodoh pulak,,, ...pasal belajar kat negeri yang guna bahasa Inggeris, semuanya adalah tanah jajahan Inggeris. Agak-agaknye kalau kita boikot semua pelajar kita dari belajar di negeri yang guna bahasa inggeris ni, katakan Jepun ker Itali, semua orang kene belajar bahasa Jepun ler kot. Bila politik terlalu menguasai agenda bangsa, maka ini mungkin akan berlaku.

.....Jadi kalau parti yang kata nak memperjuangkan Melayu, kalau pejuang Bahasa Melayu dah tak boleh nak mengharapkan lagi untuk memperjuangkan bahasa sendiri, kemana lagi mereka nak harapkan, parti lain...???? kalau ada pilihan...!! atau terpaksa cari pilihan lain...?????

Jadi kalau mana-mana parti tu kata nak perjuangkan Melayu, kene le tengok-tengok sikit segala yang berkaitan dengan bangsa.. bawa le berbincang dengan orang-orang Melayu, bukan hanya dalam kerabat politik sahaja meke ...sahaja, tanya le juga yang kerabat yang kat luar politik juga. Orang yang terlibat dalam hal berkenaan. Tanya sikit pendapat orang-orang tua yang tak berpolitik, fikiran mereka lebih tenang, aman, dapat beri nasihat yang sebaiknya. ..... Kalau sampai orang dah marah tu...ada le yang tak kene... cuba le pikir sikit... lembu pun kalau dah marah, dia naik angin, silap-silap kene sondol ade le... kalau bahasa zaman hang Tuah,..kalau dah mengamuk tu, sialah..... I ingat you pun tahu,,perkataan mengamuk ni.... orangInggeris pun guna perkataan "amuk" ni, sebab perkataan amuk ni, orang Melayu je ade, mat saleh pon takde perkataan ni.... so ...kalau orang Melayu pun dah mengamuk,,,, deme tau-tau je ler....!!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


As what had happened in the past General election, and continue by another 7 by-election, many people, political observer have analysis that the results will be decided by whether The Malay, Chinese or Indian Percetage..but in Bagan Pinang, the other factor of Postal votes did worry on the PR side, but maybe we are the older people sees among us and little is known in many part , especially during the General is the younger generation that really the dicision maker in the future election or by-election. It is very clear indication during the last general election results........ !!!!

So..please be careful during campaigning for these younger generation....They really have "Merdeka" in thinking and can really judge..... they read some paper,, but read a lot internet, blog, twetter, facebooks.......!!!!!

They hear what you say...but they will make their on dicision...!!!

It is estimated that these young generation(below 30) comprise around 30 percent of the total votes....!!!

UMNO and its entire election machinery has found themselves in a position they have not experienced

since the 2008 general election; they actually have a serious chance of winning and they are not quite sure what to do with themselves.

In Bagan Pinang, you will not see any sign of complacency. The banners and posters are all in place and the mobilisation centres are running like normal.

But if you talk to some of the workers who look comfortable and at ease, they are clearly breathing the calming air of complacency.

Barisan Nasional's Tan Sri Mohd Isa Abdul Samad himself is still working very hard to convince the fence-sitters.

On the other hand, Pas and the Opposition are in a frenzy. They are desperate to win in Bagan Pinang to maintain their momentum. They realise that momentum lost in politics can be fatal to their prospects in the next general election.

Talking to sources within the party, we have learnt that they rate their chances of winning quite highly. They think they have a 50-50 chance of winning, while the more pessimistic insiders would say that they have a 40 per cent chance of beating the BN.

With the possibility of success looking tantalisingly close, they are upping the ante and using all sorts of tactics to snare last minute voters.

With Pakatan Rakyat leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim scheduled to initiate heavy fire today, there is a certain sense of excitement in the Pas camp.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Wednesday October 7, 2009

Tiong’s plane ‘frozen’

KUALA LUMPUR: A luxury jet aircraft worth millions of ringgit and several other assets belonging to embattled Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) chief executive officer Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing have been frozen.

Police invoked a section under the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) to also freeze a luxury car as well as a plot of land said to be owned by Tiong.

The jet is one of two luxury aircraft — a Learjet 60 and a Gulfstream IV — registered with Wijaya Baru, the parent company of KDSB.

Sources said the order to freeze the asset transactions was served on Tiong yesterday as part of police investigations into Tiong’s Kuala Dimensi — the turnkey contractor for the construction of the controversial Port Klang Free Zone.

KUALA LUMPUR: Police have frozen transactions over a luxury jet aircraft worth millions of ringgit and several more properties and assets belonging to embattled Kuala Dimen­si Sdn Bhd (KDSB) chief executive officer Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing.

It is learnt that police have invoked a section under the Anti-Money Laundering Act to (AMLA) also freeze a luxury car as well as a plot of land said to be owned by Tiong.

The jet is one of two luxury aircraft — a Learjet 60 and a Gulfstream IV — registered with Wijaya Baru, the parent company of KDSB.

Sources said the order to freeze the asset transactions was served on Tiong yesterday as part of police investigations into Tiong’s Kuala Dimensi — the turnkey contractor for the construction of the controversial Port Klang Free Zone — for possible fraud, unsubstantiated claims and overcharging amounting to close to RM1.6bil.

Both the police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission started investigating Tiong following reports by Port Klang Authority chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng following the findings of a special task force set up on June 10 to look into the legal and financial aspects of both the PKA and PKFZ.

The task force comprised Skrine partner Lim Chee Wee and PricewaterhouseCoopers advisory services managing director Chin Kwai Fatt, and senior executive director Lim San Peen.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan confirmed that the police had frozen several properties of Tiong for investigation purposes but declined to elaborate.

Tiong, who is Bintulu MP and the Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party treasurer-general, had more than RM140mil in the account of Kuala Dimensi frozen early last month, also under AMLA